2016 World Series predictions

jordan caschera
By jordan caschera April 1, 2016 12:38

2016 World Series predictions


The Converged Citizen‘s sports section predicts the 2016 World Series Champions. 

Mark Brown Managing Editor: Red Sox Vs Cubs with the Cubs winning the WS.

Caleb WorkmanManaging Editor: Blue Jays Vs Pirates with the Blue Jays winning the WS.

Michael Hugall Managing Editor: Rangers Vs Cubs with the Cubs winning the WS.

Christian BouchardSports Editor: Cardinal Vs Astros with Cardinals winning the WS.

Jordan Caschera Sports Editor: Blue Jays Vs Mets with the Blue Jays winning the WS.

Todd R.W. ShearonStaff Writer: Astros Vs Cubs with Cubs winning WS.

Ryan BlevinsStaff Writer: Astros Vs Mets with the Astros winning the WS.

Garrett FodorStaff Writer: Red Sox Vs Giants with the Red Sox winning the WS.

jordan caschera
By jordan caschera April 1, 2016 12:38

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