iPhone fail?

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex September 28, 2012 12:10

By Maciejka Gorzelnik

When most people were still snuggled up in bed on Sept. 21 five people stood outside Best Buy on Walker Road anxiously awaiting the release of the iPhone 5.

In larger cities, these crowds were much larger. In New York, some people camped out for as long as a week in front of The Apple Store to get their hands on the new iPhone.

Graphic designer David Lucic was among those waiting at Best Buy to make sure he would be one of the first in Windsor to upgrade from his old iPhone 3GS.

“You can go into a store and do a pre-order but you’re going to wait,” said Lucic. “We’ve been here since 5 a.m. and the store opens at 8 a.m. so we’re ready.”

Not everyone is as enthusiastic about the new model. Long-time Apple user Anthony Martin Gomez said he is holding out for something better.

“I was seriously considering upgrading to the iPhone 5 until it became apparent that the updates were pretty minimal,” said Gomez. “The biggest turnoff for me is the new connector which makes all of my current cables and docks obsolete and really breaks Apple’s whole ecosystem for me.”

There has been a battle between iPhone and Android users since the beginning of smartphones. According to Facebook polls, most arguments for either side traditionally go no further than “because it’s better.” Mobile app developer Kamil Salagan said it really boils down to preference and convenience.

“If you already invested into the Apple ecosystem then an iPhone makes more sense,” said Salagan. “Android is an open platform and gives you lots of flavours to choose from. It doesn’t need to be rooted to gain access to many of the features that would normally be locked out on an iPhone.”

The iPhone 5 will cost between $199 and $399 depending how many gigabytes you want. If you are in the market for a new phone, Salagan suggests to give both a try.

“Most providers let you return a device within 14 days,” said Salagan. “I prefer Android myself but make your own decision.”



A group of shoppers awaits the launch of the iPhone 5 in front of Future Shop on Walker Rd. on Sept. 21. (Photo by Maciejka Gorzelnik)

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex September 28, 2012 12:10

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