Detroit-Windsor tunnel scheduled for closures in May

Kenneth Bullock
By Kenneth Bullock March 31, 2016 09:00

Using the tunnel crossing between Windsor and Detroit will become more difficult this May.

According to tunnel authority running the transportation link, crews will be renovating the tunnel, focusing mainly on replacing the ceiling.

As well a spokesperson for the authority said electrical, masonry work, communications and other work will be done. While construction is underway, the tunnel will be closed from Sundays to Thursdays, 9:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., starting in early May.


(Cars from Detroit and Windsor drive toward the Detroit-Windsor tunnel to cross into Detroit on March 28, 2016 in Windsor, Ont. Renovations to the tunnel are to start in May, closing off access to the tunnel specific nights of the week. Photo by Kenneth Bullock)

It’s expected to affect Transit Windsor’s tunnel bus, though details of the revised schedule have yet to be released.

Vice-President of the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, Trevor Pearce, said the company is using social media and news organizations to keep the public informed of the temporary closures.


“We have a number of community outreach programs. We put those into high gear last week, which is when press releases were being sent out,” said Pearce. “Windsorites and Detroit citizens will have easy access to when the bridge will be able to be used.”


Pearce said the tunnel’s renovations will be under management of the construction organization that built it, Parsons Brinckerhoff. He also said many of the contractors being hired on to do renovations will be local, keeping money in Windsor.


Some Windsorites said they are happy to see the bridge getting fixed up, but the closures will hinder them from attending events or work. Dan MacDonald, a host on 93.9 The River, and a frequent user of the Detroit-Windsor tunnel, said he use it often for hosting events in both border cities.


“Most events, concerts, or ticket drops usually end around 11. That will definitely affect me going through the tunnel,” said MacDonald. “It’ll probably be a headache and cause some congestion on the bridge, not only for myself but anyone who works in the late hours of the day.”


But MacDonald also said he’s thrilled the maintenance is being done.


Currently the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel management has no estimates on how much the project will cost. Pearce said the numbers will be clearer closer to May.


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Kenneth Bullock
By Kenneth Bullock March 31, 2016 09:00

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