Let’s Harmonize Together

Lu Niu
By Lu Niu November 15, 2016 10:12
The chorus is singing prepare for the Christmas .

The chorus is singing prepare for the Christmas .

By Lu Niu

The Riverlights Harmony Chorus is looking for new members.

It held an open invitation for female singers Nov. 9 at Riverside United Church.

The Riverlights Harmony Chorus is part of the international organization of women singers called the Sweet Adelines, which is advancing the musical art form of barbershop.

It was founded in 1945 in Tulsa, Okla. And it has become one of the world’s largest singing organization for women. Now, in Windsor area, they want more women to join them.

“We like our chorus and we’re always looking for new members. Because we want people to share music together, and it’s also a great community of women,” said Cindy Sommerville, the director of the chorus. “We find we can relax and enjoy the music, so I hope we can share our music with more people.”

They sing a capella, four-part harmony and in the Barbershop style—anything from classic songs to show tunes to today’s music.

“I love singing and I was always singing before I could talk, so I have been singing all my life. Barbershop style is very challenging singing, it makes me feel satisfied to learn different parts and to sing all the songs,” said Marion Campbell, a member of the chorus. “It’s beautiful to listen the chorus sing, I like listening and talking with others, I made many friends in chorus and now we are like a big family.”

The chorus has about 20 members, and they come from different areas in Windsor. They also encourage foreigners and disable people to join the group. Most of members are more than 60 years old. Sherron Ramsay is one of them.

“I have been there for 16 years and we have chance to compete every year. I live about 30 miles out, but I still come there once a week although sometimes I have missed. I just like singing, it makes me forget my age. I enjoy the time with other chorus members,” said Sherron Ramsay, a chorus member.

One new member joined the chorus during the invitation and had a chance to sing with the chorus for the first time that night.


Lu Niu
By Lu Niu November 15, 2016 10:12

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