Second vigil for Quebec shooting victims

Maryam Farag
By Maryam Farag February 10, 2017 12:17

Windsorites continue to support Muslim communities across Canada, attending a vigil on Feb. 3 to honour the victims of the Quebec mosque shooting in January.

Nearly 200 people of different faiths and backgrounds attended the vigil at the Windsor Islamic Association, where victims’ lives were commemorated and money was raised for their families.

The Muslim community of Windsor thanked Windsorites for the support they have shown since the attack.

Windsor West MP, Brian Masse, was also in attendance for the vigil. Masse said Canadians will not be divided by “acts of hate.”

“In your schools and in your workplaces, smile and say hello,” said Masse. “An act of generosity towards someone else is a direct assault against those who believe in racism, bigotry and sexism.”

Karen Kahelin, Lori Coulter and Elsie Carol are three of the Windsor women who rode the bus to Washington to participate in the Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 21. They also spoke at the vigil, raising Canada’s flag which was made of different pieces of red and white fabric.

“All the little pieces of red fabric are different, and all the little pieces of white fabric are different,” said Carol. “If you look really, really close, all you will see is our differences, but step back and you’ll see our commonalities.  We are greater together than we are apart.”

“I was sick about what happened in Quebec City, and I was sick about this happening in Canada,” said Kahelin, who does not want anyone of any religion to feel unsafe, particularly Muslims right now.

She believes differences help people evolve and everyone should learn and be able to debate about other beliefs or faiths.

“We can’t allow this to happen, so I will do anything thing I can to fight that, and if it means siting on a bus all night to go and march all day and sit on a bus all the next day to come home, that’s a small price to pay,” said Kahelin.



Karen Kahelin, Lori Coulter and Elsie Carol speak in honour of Quebec victims, raising a Canadian flag as a symbol of unity. Photo by Maryam Farag

Karen Kahelin, Lori Coulter and Elsie Carol speak in honour of Quebec victims, raising a Canadian flag as a symbol of unity. (Photo by Maryam Farag)







Maryam Farag
By Maryam Farag February 10, 2017 12:17

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