International students are upset about not getting part-time jobs

Suraj Sasi
By Suraj Sasi March 2, 2018 14:40

By Suraj Sasi

Many international students at St. Clair College are finding it difficult to find part-time jobs because of the recent increase in minimum wage.

On Jan. 1 Ontario’s hourly wage increased from $11.60 to $14. Even though it might benefit some people in Ontario, international students looking for part-time jobs said they are devastated by the increase.

Aravindan Ravichandran, a first year student from India, studying International Business Management has been in Windsor for more than a month now and has applied for more than 20 part-time jobs.

“I have applied for jobs Online as well but I still have not received a single call from anywhere,” said Ravichandran.


Prem Kumar is another St. Clair College student who lost his job due to the wage increase.


“The owners could not pay well after the wage increased from $11 to $14 which was the reason why people lost their jobs,” said Kumar.

Some students say they are really upset about not getting calls from places where they apply for work.

“It is very bad I do not have that much money to cover my expenses, rent, phone bill, bus pass and grocery,” said Peeyush Yasodharan, a student at St. Clair College.

Yasodharan has two years of job experience in marketing and still hopes to find a job soon before things get worse.

“I am using my student GIC right now and once that gets over it would be terrible for me,” said Yasodharan.


Maria Abraham came to Windsor from India on Jan. 5, 2018. Abraham is also studying international business management and is really outraged that employers are not hiring students from abroad.

She said every year there are many students coming from other countries who have no connections in the city.

She was surprised to see around 500 students at the Home Depot applying for the part-time job that was advertised.

“They are completely helpless because they do not know anyone. So the government should either not

give a Visa to that many students or at least help us out in some way,” said Abraham.

Wayne Riley, the employment councillor at the St. Clair Employment Centre said it is not just international students who are struggling. Domestic students are facing similar problems while searching for jobs.

“It is something that cannot happen overnight and job searching can be frustrating,” said Riley.

“Typically we see in this time of year that there is a reduction in part time jobs for students and on top we have this minimum wage increase effect on it.”

Riley said to make sure your resume highlights transferable skills, work experience, training and education.

“St. Clair has carrier service centres that students can take advantage of and they help students build resumes and prepare them for the interviews,” said Riley.

“It is very important to be confident and to express to the employers about what you have to offer.”

Highlighting aspects of why you would be good for a particular job and why you want to work for this organization are some of the important points Riley wants students to remember while they are applying for part-time jobs.

Suraj Sasi
By Suraj Sasi March 2, 2018 14:40

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