A lack in awareness with students

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex November 10, 2012 13:26

by Sandee Nho

Mental health awareness is low among high school students, according to faculty and students at a local high school.

Students and faculty at Riverside Secondary School are concerned about spreading awareness to better understand diagnosed students. Sonia DeAndrade, a guidance counselor at Riverside, hopes the school will begin to promote awareness.

“If high school students realized how prevalent mental illness is and how everyone struggles with mental health, I think they would be more open to finding help and more open to talk to someone,” said DeAndrade. “Having that open dialogue within a school community I think is really important.”

Some students at Riverside think the social environment at school influences mental health and illnesses. Lauren Phillips, 18, is a Riverside student who believes there are other factors.

“It’s influenced. Alcohol and drugs can lead to mental health issues. You can be addicted and withdrawal from it so then that can make you depressed,” said Phillips. “And also bullying as well. A lot of people find it difficult to fit in. There’s a lot of judging and cliques.”

DeAndrade said teenagers in high school have to deal with stress from different several outlets. Concern for their academics, relationships, and home life can build up and cause more serious health problems.

On average one in five Canadian teenagers have experienced some type of mental illness, according to the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Abbie Krall, a Grade 12 student at Riverside, said home life can affect someone.

“I personally think it’s from divorce,” said Krall. “The divorce rate is going up. A lot of other students are going through their parents being divorced and I know it has a strong effect on their lives.”

DeAndrade said because there isn’t enough awareness within schools about mental illness and with long waits in community centres, the high school environment is a main concern. With a number of factors that can contribute to mental health issues, it is important for those suffering from mental health issues to seek the help they need, she said.



Sonia DeAndrade, guidance counselor at Riverside High School, works at her desk in her office at on Friday, November 9, 2012.   PHOTO BY / Sandee Nho.

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex November 10, 2012 13:26

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