University of Windsor receives keys to former Star building

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex December 1, 2012 14:25

University of Windsor receives keys to former Star building

University of Windsor President Alan Wildeman, front left, and Windsor Star Editor-in-Chief Marty Beneteau, front right, participate in the excitement outside the old Windsor Star building Nov. 30 with Winston the Lancer and Stilt Guys Mark Lefebvre, back left, and Clinton Hammond, back right. The university, which plans to transform the iconic building into the home of its social work program, was officially handed the keys to the building. (PHOTO BY CHRIS RICHARDS)

by Chris Richards
The crowd was thick on Ferry Street Nov. 30 as hundreds of people gathered for the official key exchange to the former Windsor Star building.

Hundreds of Windsor residents, Star employees and staff and students from the University of Windsor and St. Clair College gathered for music, coffee and Timbits as Windsor Star Editor-in-Chief Marty Beneteau turned over the keys of the iconic Ferry Street building to University of Windsor President Alan Wildeman.

“It’s pretty spectacular,” Wildeman said.  “We’ve been working this property for a while, and it’s nice to get it finalized and transferred.  The downtown creates a setting within which some of our academic programs will be able to really excel.  Social work, the arts, those are the kinds of programs that being within the city are going to create better opportunities.”

Wildeman said the university plans to maintain the old facade of the building and make use of the large open concept areas in and outside the building.

“It’s going create a more vibrant post-secondary cluster (downtown) along with St. Clair College.  It’s a really good opportunity to create a learning experience, a learning environment where students can really see more what their education is about.”

Immersed among the high energy crowd, Beneteau said the handing over of the keys was bittersweet, but is excited to move forward into the future of the new Windsor Star and downtown area.

“It’s great satisfaction that I’m helping the university to come downtown,” Beneteau said.  ”I’m going to miss the place that I worked at for 30 years, but I think this is the right thing for all concerned, and a great thing for the downtown.

“I’m sad when I walk back into the (old) building, but I’m delighted when I walk into my new building and see a great new environment for our staff and how a newspaper of the future is going to look.  So emotions are a bit mixed, but I’m really today quite happy to see this in the right hands.”

The University of Windsor announced the acquisition of the former Windsor Star building last November.  Along with the building occupied by the Star since 1927, the university has also, with the help of the Ontario government, acquired the Windsor Armouries as part of its plan to move more of its campus into the downtown core.  Renovations for the former Star building are set for the new year.

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex December 1, 2012 14:25

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