Healthy eating habits vital for youth

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex January 21, 2013 17:18

Healthy eating habits vital for youth

Roxana Hack, who recommends the butternut squash for people wanting to eat healthy without giving up taste, shops at Fresh. Co. on Tecumseh Road East Jan. 18. (Photo by/Jess Sterenberg)












by Jessica Sterenberg

Teaching children how to eat healthy isn’t easy, but there are things you can do to make the experience fun.

Local college student Roxana Hack says it’s best to start teaching children healthy eating habits as soon as possible.  Children are attracted to junk food at a young age, so it’s best to introduce them to healthy foods right away. Hack recommends age two, when kids start eating solid foods.

“Natural, organic foods are best,” says Hack.  “Anything you can grow is great for kids, even before they’re born.  You should eat healthy during the entire pregnancy, treat yourself every once in a while, but stay healthy for the baby. Start your child on organic foods when they can eat solid foods.  This will give them good eating habits later in life.”

Hack also says to make eating healthy fun, cut food into animal shapes and give them brightly colored fruits and vegetables.  She says the best thing you can do is not introduce them to fast food.  Make dinner at home, or if you don’t have time, pick up something healthy at the grocery store instead of going to a drive thru.

“If you don’t introduce them to fast food they’ll be better off and less likely to become addicted later on in life,” says Hack.

Jennifer Nantais, mother of two, says you should instill healthy eating habits as soon as possible.  She also says it’s okay to treat yourself every now and then, as long as it is in moderation.

“Moderation is the key.  You need to keep your diet balanced, but a little treat now and then won’t hurt you,” says Nantais.  She recommends fresh fruit and vegetables that are picked out of the ground, not in cans.  Nantais also says to read the labels on everything you buy and look out for sugar content.

Nantais started to teach her children to eat healthy around the time they started school.  She says to start slow, not to push healthy food on them.  Tell them what they are eating and the importance of the food.  She says to start with a couple healthy foods over time and make it fun for them.

“You need to allow certain foods for the kids to eat in moderation,” says Nantais.  “If they want chocolate, give them dark chocolate because it’s healthier.  Let your kids help you make healthy snacks.  When they help out, they will want to eat it more because they helped make it and they will feel proud.”

Experts say teaching children to eat healthy and to treat themselves every once in a while they will be okay. Moderation is essential.

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex January 21, 2013 17:18

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