Choose your Fighter this Sunday at the revamped eSports Nexus

Tony Tavolieri
By Tony Tavolieri October 18, 2024 14:51

Choose your Fighter this Sunday at the revamped eSports Nexus

Windsor’s premiere fighting game event has returned this fall at the St Clair College South Campus.

 The event resumed this September following recent renovations on the eSports Nexus. Featuring an upgraded computer lab and the inclusion of the game Super Smash Bros Melee, gamers from the Windsor area can gather to compete, socialize, and share their love of fighting games every Sunday. 

Current organizer of the Smash Class events, Daneil Brown, said the event is intended to be a spot where Windsorites can play whatever games they want with whomever they want.

“I’ve always wanted to provide a space for people to play whatever games they want to play and I think we’ve found that here,” said Brown. “I just put up a lot of games, and whatever people sign up for I come prepared to run a tournament for.”

On the topic of variety, long-time player and Smash Class attendee Amir Mousaly said the spread of games is very impressive.

“If you like variety you’ll definitely like Smash Class a lot,” said Mousaly. “People are always willing to play games whether it be casuals or for bracket matches, they’re always willing to play regardless of what the title is.” 

Street Fighter 6 tournament
Photo by Tony Tavolieri

BlazBlue Played in the Alienware Lab
Photo by Tony Tavolieri

Player and organizer Dennis Kontoulis has been learning Super Smash Melee through these events. He said as a player, you don’t need to be the best or most talented player to start coming to these events.

“When it comes to Melee, I’m learning something new every time I play with these guys,” said Kontoulis. “It’s nice to be bad at a game and have such a supportive community behind you to help you not be so bad. 

As a community, Melee player and tournament organizer Audrey “Auddish” has a lot of love for her scene.

“I’ve made a lot of friends here, and I think a lot of other people can too,” said Auddish. “It’s a great way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon if you’re into fighting games or Smash games. It’s a great way to learn new things.” 

Kontoulis said everyone, no matter their skill or experience level, is welcome at Smash Class.

“If you want a good place to learn any kind of fighting game, I think Smash Class is the place to be,” said Kontoulis. 

To learn about upcoming Smash Class events, click the following links to visit their Start Website, Discord Server, or Twitter

Tony Tavolieri
By Tony Tavolieri October 18, 2024 14:51
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