A new voice

Aaron Sanders
By Aaron Sanders October 17, 2014 15:49

Residents of Ward 2 are looking for a councilor to be their voice and one candidate thinks he can be the answer. When any Windsorite approaches John Elliott, they’re approaching a person whose calm, friendly and businesslike demeanor is well known in Ward 2.


His daily routine is as follows: around 10 a.m. , he goes door-to-door with his wife Tammy. At the same time, his phone is ringing with people requesting lawn signs. At 3 p.m., Elliott goes to work at Sandwich Teen Action Group, a recreational facility for teens. Inside his office at STAG, he’s surrounded by framed awards and accolades. During his 27 year stay in Windsor’s west end, he’s been the executive director of STAG for 21 years. Sometimes, he leaves it to volunteers to take over STAG in his absence. Around 5:30 p.m. , Elliott is back going door-to-door for another two and a half hours. When 8 p.m. hits, he returns to his office at STAG where he finishes up business in a half hour’s time and thus, the end of another business day for STAG and John Elliott.


Elliott feels confident as he runs for Ward 2 councillor for the second time. The 2010 election was his first, and he lost to Ron Jones by only three votes. In that election, his campaign crew had no experience and went door to door to around 4000 houses. For this year’s campaign, Elliott and his crew have taken his knowledge of the last election and he believes it has improved his planning.


Robert Renaud, 20, has been going to STAG for the last 10 years. He believes that Elliott has brought the neighbourhood together.


“This community needs a voice and who else to speak for us than John?,” Renaud said.

“All the events he has done were to benefit the kids and families in the community in order to keep us off the streets.”


Elliott has also coached the Assumption High School girls basketball team. He encourages voters to check his resume, consider his community work and talk to people around the ward.


“I’ve done a lot in the city,but people should concentrate on what I’ve done in the community to make it better,” Elliott said. “To help the families and their kids and to volunteer within my powers. It is my true calling and that calling is to serve.”


Should Elliott win the Ward 2 councillor position, he would consider it an opportunity for the west community residents to have their voices heard. Elliott said that he would make decisions that are close to home.


“This community will have someone that’s in city council that will be their voice,” said Elliott. “I’m homegrown here, I live here, I raise my kids here and it’s home. ”


A husband, father to five kids and community worker he’s got his name in the ballot for ward two councillor.The municipal election on Oct. 27 will determine if Elliott’s campaign plans come to fruitition.


Aaron Sanders
By Aaron Sanders October 17, 2014 15:49

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