Are excusal policies being taken advantage of?

Sreedha Varanasi
By Sreedha Varanasi September 30, 2016 14:17

Are excusal policies being taken advantage of?

It is well known among post-secondary students in Windsor that receiving a doctor’s note will allow them to extend exam and assignment due dates. According to some students, many are using this policy in their favour.

Universities and colleges across Canada have differing policies when missed exams or assignments are in question. Carleton University has no school-wide policy on deferrals for sick students, while the University of Windsor requires that students show documentation to prove any extenuating circumstances that are claimed. The University of Windsor even includes a form on their website that doctors must fill out, outlining the illness and the time-frame of the illness.

Director of Carleton University’s Health and Counselling Services, Maureen Murdock, told the post-secondary based news site University Affairs earlier this year that many school administrators across North America are moving towards a policy that would not require a note, but a self-declaration form instead.

She also said the group of physicians who provide medical services at Carleton wrote 2,350 sick notes in total during the 12-month period of 2013-14.

Aaron Case is in his first year at University of Windsor and has already noticed students taking advantage of the note-required policy.

“People really do try to find a way out of their exams, but I know a lot of people who actually do get sick just from stress and weather issues around exam time, said Case.”

Another student, who has asked not to be named, said it’s extremely easy to get doctor’s notes, and that even with just a slight cold, she’s received a note for excused absence.

University professors include information about protocol to be followed in extenuating circumstances as they pertain to scheduled exams and assignments.

According to Case, even professors have come to expect more doctor’s notes during exam periods.


Sreedha Varanasi
By Sreedha Varanasi September 30, 2016 14:17

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