Army Cadets celebrate 90 years

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex March 20, 2013 13:54

by Hailey Trealout

The 1086 Walkerville Collegiate Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps celebrated its ninetieth anniversary at the F.A. Tilston, V.C. Armoury March 13.

Over 150 attendees, including former cadets and commanding officers, filled the drill hall where 36 cadets proudly paraded their corps flag with the pipes and drums. Capt. David Mercer is the commanding officer of the corps. He said the ceremony gave the cadets a sense of pride.

“I think that citizenship and leadership and commitment to the community is very important,” said Mercer. “The cadet program is an amazing way to achieve that. They come into cadets, they don’t have to have any experience, we give them everything. It’s the largest nationally funded youth program in Canada and it’s Canada’s best kept secret in my opinion.”

Lt.-Col. Morris Brause of the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment also attended the ceremony. He said he appreciates the cadets for working with Canadian youth because they are the future of our country.

“It’s an historical event, we have a country that has existed since 1867, and you have a cadet corps that has been around for 90 years,” said Brause. “To find a cadet movement that has existed for 90 years is amazing. It’s a testimony to the strength of the community here and what they do providing support to the youth and the leadership and citizenship training that they do here.”

The 1086 Walkerville Collegiate Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps will be holding their annual ceremonial review parade June 5.

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex March 20, 2013 13:54

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