Bochetti dreams of leading Tecumseh

Erik Zarins
By Erik Zarins October 17, 2014 15:37

File photo from Joe Bachetti


By Erik Zarins


The town of Tecumseh has created incredible opportunities for those looking for “The Canadian Dream.” Restaurants, shopping centres, medical services, a skateboard park and the WFCU Centre are all within reach.

Joe Bachetti is quick to point out the perks of Tecumseh life. He has represented Ward 3 in Tecumseh for over 20 years since he became a municipal councilor in 1994.

His community involvement is well documented. He is an affiliate member of several organizations including the Tecumseh Area Historical Society, and was recently awarded the “Vocational Service Award” by The Rotary Club of Windsor – Roseland for his recognition of achieving excellence in vocation and outstanding service to his community.

Bachetti says he knows his way around town, and why wouldn’t he? Born in 1966 during the “year the Canadiens won the Stanley Cup” he has lived in Windsor-Essex all his life. Bachetti said his interests in politics started after he graduated from the University of Windsor.

“I wanted to see the community grow and back then, the sidewalks and roads were a major concern. Now the roads and sidewalks of today are in much better condition. I’ve always had a passion with working with kids.”

According to Bachetti, working simultaneously as a politician and a principal is not as difficult as it seems.

“It’s complementary to running a school and running a town. When you’re a teacher or principal, it makes you become a better politician because you’re able to talk to everybody about their everyday concerns like a neighbourhood dispute.”

So what does he do when he’s not taking care of classroom kids and residents of the town?

Bachetii said his hobbies include cycling, running, 5K runs, and participating in dragon boat races as a member of the “Rack Pack Team”. He really enjoys the open space and different seasons of events in Tecumseh.

The most unique thing about Bachetti is his vision on how to pursue people into moving into Windsor or Tecumseh.

“If you’re from Toronto it would be an easy sell…Our housing market is one of the most economic in this area. You can get yourself a mansion on the Riverside Drive.”

“You also have a close proximity to another large international market such as Detroit, Michigan across the border. In terms of network and job market opportunities, you’re in the hub of this area.”

This year while Bachetti served as chairmen of the Tecumseh Corn Festival and co-chairmen of the Art of Eating and Wine Festival, Tecumseh was named 2014’s “Best Festival City in the Province” by Festival Events Ontario. He has also created a personal motto to ensure better living and building his community.

“As an elected financial steward of a municipality, doing what is right rather than personal gain is critical.”

Erik Zarins
By Erik Zarins October 17, 2014 15:37

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