Border City Brawlers start their season

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex April 12, 2013 16:06

Border City Brawlers start their season

The Border City Brawlers and London Timber Rollers line up at the jammer line before the whistle at the Forest Glade Arena during their season opener in Windsor on April 6. (PHOTO BY/ Sandee Nho)

By Sandee Nho


The Border City Brawlers kicked off their season opener last weekend against the London Timber Rollers.

Over 600 friends, family and fans gathered April 6 at Forest Glade Arena to watch the Border City Brawlers go up against the London Timber Rollers. This is the second year the BCBs have been competing. The final score of the bout was 216  to 103 in favor of the Timber Rollers.

Kim Reaume or derby name Kim BashIngure, member of the BCBs and member of the public relations committee said, despite the NCAA Final Four falling on the same night, the attendance of the season opener was surprising.

“I can’t believe how much we’ve grown,” said BashIngure. “This is our official start of our second season. I just heard I think there were 621 people here and on a night of the NCAA final 4, I thought that was going to take over because Michigan is playing.”

Despite the loss, Valeria Binder or derby name E-Val, member of the BCB’s said the team needs to work on a few things for their next match.

“I think we saw a lot of our faults and what we need to work on,” said Val. “We need better pack work, we need to stay together better and we need to be able to break through their walls a little better.”

BashIngure said with the team’s growing popularity in Windsor, they’re anticipating a large number of new players this year.  Anyone who is 18 years and older interested on being a part of the team can attend an informational meeting in April 13 at The Manchester at 7 p.m.




The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex April 12, 2013 16:06

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