Comic book artists of Windsor unmasked

Kristian Beaudoin
By Kristian Beaudoin February 16, 2018 12:06

Windsor is known for its artistic appeal with street art and theatrical performances, but was it well known that famed superheroes and comic book characters were drawn by citizens of Windsor and Essex County?

Jason Fabok is the artist from Essex County known for drawing issues of beloved DC comic titles such as Detective Comics, Justice League, Batman and other series. While growing up his interest in superheroes came from cartoons such as Batman: The Animated Series and X-Men, as well as superhero movies. His interest in comics did not surface until he was in high school when his teacher noticed Fabok’s drawing skills.

“He said, ‘Hey, you should read some different comic books.’ So he started bringing comic books to me and got me interested in the art form,” said Fabok. “He started bringing me books about on how to tell stories through visual story-telling. Comic book story-telling.”

After developing his ability to draw, he eventually sought help from a local comic book artist, David Finch. Fabok submitted a portfolio of his work to Finch and they worked together on improving Fabok’s techniques.

“Finch kinda looked at my work one day and said ‘You know what? I think you have something good enough here, let’s start a portfolio and send it in to DC comics, see what happens,'” Fabok said.

Fabok was hired by DC Comics in 2010 and despite entering the field without prior training and knowledge of the industry’s workload, as well as stepping down for a period of time to work with Aspen Comics, Fabok has drawn for DC Comics ever since.

He does all his work from his home in Kingsville, Ont.

“I enjoy the small town atmosphere,” said Fabok. “With the city of Windsor being close, I can get there, I can get arts supplies and things that I need. Visit the local comic book shops and support them as well.”

Windsor has appealing locations for comic book enthusiasts and shoppers such as Rogues Gallery Comics and Border City Comics. There have also been comic book conventions such as the Windsor Comic Con which was hosted at Caesars Windsor since 2015.

Johnny Desjardins is another Windsor comic book artist who lives in Windsor. Desjardins is an artist for designs such as Green Hornet, Battlestar Galactica vs. Battlestar Galactica, Vampirella Strikes, Red Sonja and other issues.

Unlike Fabok, Desjardins has had an interest in comic books since he was a child. He would make and sell his own comic books in front of the local Pee-Jay’s Video Variety store. His professional drawing career did not start till 2009, however.

Desjardins worked alongside David Finch who, like Fabok, taught him about how to improve his drawing skills. Eventually Desjardins began working solely for Dynamite Entertainment. Along with work from there, Desjardins also takes commission and requests from other companies.

Desjardins spent his life in the city and enjoys living there. Desjardins has travelled throughout his career, but he never forgets about his roots and what he enjoys about home.

However, despite travelling to other places and his appreciation for Windsor, he has his own philosophy working in relation to where he lives.

“I live in Windsor but I don’t work in Windsor. I work for everybody and anybody who contacts me or commissions me and those are all around the world. It’s like I’m living in Windsor but the work can come with me to different places I go and I get to go to those other cities so I don’t feel trapped in any way,” said Desjardins.

While it may not be known by most Windsorites, significant names in the comic book industry like Fabok, Desjardins and Finch are a walking distance away from them.

“Like a celebrity to a small cult following of people.” Fabok said.

Kristian Beaudoin
By Kristian Beaudoin February 16, 2018 12:06

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