Which video game console is the choice of the next generation?

By CMailloux January 24, 2014 13:33

Which video game console is the choice of the next generation?

An Xbox One display and attendees playing the system at the Toronto Fan Expo Canada 2013, August 22. (Photo by Chris Mailloux)

An Xbox One display and attendees playing the system at the Toronto Fan Expo Canada 2013, August 22. (Photo by Chris Mailloux)

by Chris Mailloux

All three next generation gaming consoles have been released and gamers continue to line up to grab the console they want.

Within 24 hours of their release the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One sold more than one million consoles in North America. A survey on the newest gaming consoles was conducted, with 31 people participating online and 40 people taking it in person. The survey was conducted through social media at the St. Clair Centre of the Arts.

The majority of those surveyed said they wanted the PS4 as their next console with a total of 37 per cent people voting for it. The least wanted system in the survey was the Nintendo Wii U which only had four people choose that as their preferred console.
Entertainment Design and Research vice president of analysis and insights, Jesse Divnich said consumers need to determine what use they plan on receiving from a device.

“I think both systems converge to meet consumers’ needs in the long run. I don’t believe there will be strong distinction between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One three to four years from now,” said Divnich.

When asked which specific feature draws the consumer to the system they prefer, the majority said exclusive games was their top reason. Twenty-nine people picked exclusive games which is 41 per cent of the people who took part in the survey.

Divnich said he believes price is also a factor when it comes to deciding on a system.

“Price is incredibly important. It will always be. Price is a key variable in the purchasing decision process,” said Divnich.

According to 13 of the participants the retail price of a system is the most important deciding factor for picking their next system. At the same time, 33 people said price is often the biggest reason stopping them from buying a console. Overall, 46 per cent said price was a big reason stopping them from moving to a new system and 18 per cent said price was an important factor for choosing which console they wanted more.

One of the participants in the survey, Tyler Head, said the biggest selling point for a system is how flexible and extensive the features are.

“Price was more of a solidifying factor for me. After Microsoft’s price announcement, Sony’s price announcement further solidified my switching to Sony as my platform of hour this next generation,” said Head.

Results showed that 21 of the participants in the survey said they usually spend four to eight hours playing video games. While 21 per cent said they spend over 20 hours a week playing video games.

Overall 57 per cent said they prefer console gaming while 34 per cent said they prefer to play games on computers.

The Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are now available for purchase.

By CMailloux January 24, 2014 13:33

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