Cubs race for the finish

Julia Poehlman
By Julia Poehlman February 6, 2015 16:49

By Julia Poehlman


Alex McHardy (center) waits with Cubs for the next race.

Alex McHardy (center) waits with Cubs for the next race.

 Chatham-Kent Cub Scouts raced to the finish at a rally with their handmade Kub Kars, at J.G. Taylor Community Centre.

About 39 Kub Kars raced at the annual Chatham-Kent Scouting Tartan Sertoma Kub Kar rally. The cars that did well in the races received awards for originality and speed. Some of the cars qualified for the regionals which will be held at the community centre in Chatham on April 18.

“All southern Ontario is going to be here,” said Ernie McKaig, a volunteer at the rally.

 The Cubs, age eight to 11, create their cars from blocks of wood. They carve and design their own vehicles and race them down a track with other Cubs throughout the area. The track is a ramp, hence the cars rely on the force of gravity to race.

Walter, 9, is a Cub who has made it to the regionals, he said he’s been working on his Kub Kar for four weeks.

“It’s fun. I like building it, racing it and getting the awards,” said Walter, who has been racing for two years now.

Scout leader, William Dodman said he enjoys the racing event. He has been with Scouts Canada for more than 20 years and started participating because of his children.

“I just got involved with it, I did what the kids did. I got to meet a lot of interesting people,” said Dodman.

The Windsor area Kub Kar races take place on Feb. 16 to 18 with the finals on Feb. 21 at the Scout Service Centre. Those moving on from the finals will compete at the regionals in Chatham.

Julia Poehlman
By Julia Poehlman February 6, 2015 16:49

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