Different sectors of Islamabad were sealed in late October after emergence of new Covid cases

Afifa Awan
By Afifa Awan November 1, 2020 11:21

Some streets in Islamabad have been closed as part of the Covid-19 response as of Oct. 26, 2020. Photo by Afifa Awan

The second wave of COVID-19 has started to spread across the country of Pakistan, including the capital, Islamabad, which resulted in the closure of streets in various neighbourhoods of  Oct. 26, 2020. A total of 157 new cases were reported in 24 hours on Sunday out of 4,057 tests. Pakistan has already defeated the first wave of Covid-19 through successful selective, known in Pakistan as “smart,” lockdown strategies.

Afifa Awan
By Afifa Awan November 1, 2020 11:21

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