First public meeting looking at University Ave in Windsor
Would you like to see anything in particular along University Avenue in Windsor?
Josette Eugeni, Manager of Transportation Planning, and her team held a public meeting on Nov. 1. to get some public input on future plans for the roadway.
The City of Windsor has started a study to review the existing roadway elements along the University Avenue.
“This study is to figure out if there is any improvement can be made for the roadway space,” Eugeni said. “For instance, there could be more trees and parking space.”
It will consider any opportunities to optimize the right-of-way to achieve safe, efficient, comfortable and convenient travel for roadway users of all ages, abilities and modes within the study corridors for a 20-year study horizon.
“This meeting is aimed to show our present study and get public’s opinions and suggestions for Windsor roadway,” said Eugeni. “Further study will be considering the comments from this meeting.”
Whether there will be construction in the arterial road between the west end and downtown Windsor has not been decided.