Gender Journeys program starting in late October

Kassandra Coates
By Kassandra Coates October 16, 2015 10:29

Gender Journeys program starting in late October

St. Clair College center of the arts campus, where the gender journeys program will be held. (PHOTO BY KASSANDRA COATES/THECONVERGEDCITIZEN)

St. Clair College center of the arts campus, where the gender journeys program will be held. (PHOTO BY KASSANDRA COATES/THECONVERGEDCITIZEN)

St. Clair College’s downtown campus is looking to help people who are struggling with gender identity issues.


The Gender Journeys program is being offered at the downtown Center of the Arts campus. It is a support group for people who are thinking about their own gender changes and looking for reliable information and community connections.


Jackie Fulmer, a social worker at St. Clair said it is going to be an open, non-judgmental and safe environment for students and the public. Each week they are focusing on a particular topic and discussing relevant health information.


“We want the program to be a place where youth can come together, talk about the stressors, challenges and utilize one another to assist them in navigating their life right now,” said Fulmer. “The group will be a safe space for all members.”


According to Rainbow Health Ontario many trans people in Ontario are still treated unfairly. The statistics showed that many trans people are denied health care, or are treated with disrespect in health care settings, as well as in the general public.


The Association of Ontario Health stated the story of Caitlyn Jenner helped raise awareness about the struggles of people who are transgendered. However, very few trans people enjoy the privileges that come with Jenner’s fame and wealth.


A local trans woman said she feels being transgender is made very difficult by the society we live in.


“My biggest difficulty was family members making the pronoun transition and getting used to referring to me as she,” said the woman. “It was a very painful process. I still don’t really understand why it’s so hard for people to grasp the concept of using the correct pronouns for trans people.”


The Gender Journeys program will allow the students and others to vent about their feelings and even ask questions about things they might not understand.


Paula Cole, a social worker at the Windsor Family Health team will be taking the intake calls for the program and said she wants to make sure that the group is a good fit for the individual’s interests and needs.


“Listen to trans women, support trans women, and recognize that we are deserving of love – platonic and romantic,” said the woman.


The program will be held every other Thursday from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. starting from Oct 22 through Dec 17. 2016 dates will be released at a later time. If you have any questions you can call 519-250-5656 ext. 203.


Kassandra Coates
By Kassandra Coates October 16, 2015 10:29

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