Gordie Howe International Bridge Project entering next phase

Vatsal Chorasiya
By Vatsal Chorasiya March 25, 2024 13:25

On March 23, a public information meeting about the Gordie Howe international bridge took place where officials showed off the latest design, construction updates, and progress on Community Benefits Plan. 

Heather Grondin, the Chief Relations Officer of Windsor Detroit Bridge Authority briefly explains the purpose of the bridge. 

“The Gordie Howe international bridge is critical to the movement of trade between Canada and the US, 25 per cent of all the US trade crosses right here at Windsor Detroit, so ensuring we have strong reliable and efficient border transportation system and overall network is critical to the economies of Canada and the US,” said Grondin.

They are rebuilding 3 km of Sandwich St from south of Rosedale Ave roundabout to Ojibway Parkway near McKee Rd. The main reason of the reconstruction is to divert traffic but also to improve the neighbourhood.

“The sandwich community is our Neighbor so we are doing a number of road improvements from both the sides of the border we are really recognizing; one they are host members of communities of the bridge but also that quite a bit of traffic goes along these roadways and the traffic can ultimately come to the Gordie Howe international bridge,” said Grondin.

The reconstruction of the road is divided into three phases starting from McKee Rd to Ojibway Parkway, followed by Ojibway Parkway to Chappell Ave and ending with Chappel Ave to Rosedale Ave. 

There is also a community benefits plan which consists of “The neighborhood infrastructure strategy” which is a $23 million direct community investment on both sides of the border, comprised of 51 unique initiatives. 

Valued at $2.6 million, the latest investment includes six initiatives in Canada and seven in the US. For Canada the community benefits plan initiatives include Arts-Based youth programming, Community outreach programming, green space Development at Maryvale, Historical interpretation enhancements at the Duff- baby Mansion and the School lunch program. 

Vatsal Chorasiya
By Vatsal Chorasiya March 25, 2024 13:25

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