Hats on for Healthcare raises money for Windsor’s youngest intensive care patients

Laurie Makulski Harrison
By Laurie Makulski Harrison March 17, 2018 08:15

Windsor Regional Hospital’s Ron Foster tries on a hat for Hats on for Healthcare. Photo by Laurie Harrison.

A hat can tell a lot about the person who wears it. This past Wednesday, hats worn by Windsorites across the city said “I support the efforts of Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation and WRH’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).”

Hattitude could be found in nearly 150 local businesses, schools and organizations for the ninth annual Hats on for Healthcare. Participants were invited to put on a hat for the day and make a small contribution to healthcare, while some have been fundraising and holding events throughout the month.

“It’s a small gesture, but a very big gesture for families who need it,” said Jason Chapieski, father of a 24-hour-old baby boy being cared for in the NICU.

“It is just something that you can do to contribute and make a difference in other people’s lives without even realizing it.”

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit cares for premature babies and babies needing special care and monitoring in the first days to months of their lives. WRH chose NICU this year to receive the funds from the campaign because of the importance of up-to-date equipment. WRH is constantly purchasing new equipment to ensure the best care possible for their young patients.

“Sometimes we don’t understand how important our contributions to the hospital are as well as their excellent programs and services,” said Elaine Snaden, co-chair for Hats on for Healthcare.

“We sometimes think the government is able to pay for all those, but that is not true. We as a community, if we want the best healthcare, we have to step up to it.”

The NICU becomes an important part of the parents’ lives as they rely on medical staff to care for their infant in what is sometimes a scary and confusing time. Sometimes overwhelmed and fearful, it provides not only care for the infant but information and clarity to the parents.

“It is very important, especially seeing the babies who are in there, sometimes as long as a couple of months. There is definitely a need for it,” said Chapieski. “The information you get from some of the specialist is just immeasurable.”

Photo courtesy: Twitter @MultiCulturalCI

“The neo-doctors, the nurses and the respiratory therapists come together as a team and kind of guide you as to what their plan is,” said Chapieski. “It is super important to the well-being of myself, the father, my wife and everybody involved basically.”

The annual event has raised more than $250,000 in its first eight years, almost $50,000 of it from last year alone. Snaden is hopeful that when the numbers come in following a few final participant events and charity pasta dinners, they will reach that total again. Organizers say it is not too late to contribute, and invite the public to make a donation at hatsonforhealthcare.com or enjoy a pasta meal every Wednesday in March at the Riverside Sportsmen’s Club.

Among the participants this year were the Grade 2 students from Hugh Beaton School. The students visited the hospital and were treated to a visit from LaSalle native Luke Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks, who read them a book written by a football player. Other entertainment included live music and an array of hats for pictures.

LaSalle native Luke Wilson from the Seattle Seahawks stopped by Windsor Regional Hospital for Hats on for Healthcare. Photo courtesy: Twitter @ErzyErwin

Chapieski says he is grateful to people who take the time to do things like this to benefit the community.

Organizers say they are filled to the brim with joy as the event has grown significantly since the first year, when they raised $10,000.

“It is only because we have such an amazing and supportive community,” said Snaden.

Philip Treacy, an Irish hat designer, once said, “How a hat makes you feel is what a hat is all about.”

This past Wednesday hats made participants feel like giving.  

Laurie Makulski Harrison
By Laurie Makulski Harrison March 17, 2018 08:15

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