How COVID is taking away college life experience from students

Hardeep Kaur
By Hardeep Kaur November 26, 2020 08:49
Yesterday, I was thinking about my college life and I realized that it is now 9 months since I last went to the MediaPlex and took a class. To be honest, when I first heard that classes were going to be online, I thought it would be better than going to college everyday. But now I am missing my college days and everything which was related to St. Clair College.
My grandmother always used to say that we find out the real importance of something, when we do not have it. I think that now I understand her main point.
College is not only a place where we go for study. It is an experience of life which everyone should have.

Screenshot of online class

College life gives us a broader way to look towards the world. It is a life where we are totally in our own control and it teaches us how to take important life decisions by ourselves and then relying on it, whether those work sometimes and occasionally not. If it works then it is well and good and if it is not then you are going to learn the real lessons of life. That was your decision and you cannot blame someone for that.

In college life, we try new things and if we fail, we try again with some improvements and finally one day, we get the results we need.

I think that there are many other things which Covid is taking from us and we are not even noticing. One of them is our college life experience.
Hardeep Kaur
By Hardeep Kaur November 26, 2020 08:49

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