Is there a doctor in this situation?

Aaron Sanders
By Aaron Sanders February 5, 2016 12:11

Is there a doctor in this situation?

Windsorites have found another voice opposed to the upcoming mega-hospital.


John Sewell, former mayor of Toronto, visited Windsor to discuss the problems of building a mega-hospital in an urban area on Feb. 3 and 4. During those two days, Sewell talked before a crowds at the University of Windsor and at the public library who are concerned about the hospital plans . Sewell says the city will have to consider using the money on the hospital staff than the building.


“I think we have to worry about how much we spend on bricks and mortar,” said Sewell. “Every cent that we send for bricks and mortar is not money we can spend on humans. It seems to me spending $2 billion just on that means we aren’t going to have a lot of money leftover to spend on the staffing we need.”


Stephen Pitman, spokesperson for Citizens for an Accountable Megahospital Planning Process , said the support from the former Toronto mayor was beneficial to the situation.


CAMMP, a local group against having the mega-hospital placed at the other side of the city, organized the two day presentations.


“I think it’s terrific to see someone who’s such a high caliber speaker to come here to Windsor and to talk about this item. We’re really lucky for him to come here and speak about this. I think it really landed some importance and it shed some light on reviewing the chosen location.”


The planned site for the $2 billion mega-hospital will be at the corner of County Road 42 and Ninth Concession. Recently, there was a lawsuit involving Windsor Regional Hospital and the owner of GEM Properties in which some terms were dropped. Since the partial dropping of the lawsuit, Windsor Regional Hospital has been set to move on with plans. However, Sewell said the hospital should reside where people can access it easily.


“What I think we should all be after is accessible patient care,” Sewell said. “So the best place for the hospital is always in the central area. It’s easier for everyone to get to, whether by public transit or by cab. Having a hospital at the very edge of the city is not only difficult for patients and staff, it’s difficult for family members as well.”


Pitman agrees location and residents matter when it comes to the mega-hospital.


“Location is very important, especially when we think about the environmental and social dimensions,” said Pittman. “That’s providing people (who are providing health care) to access those who don’t have a full array of transportation options.”


Rino Bortolin, Ward 3 Councillor, was in the crowd during the presentation at the public library. He said he will bring the concerns to city council for further discussion.

(WINDSOR, Ont. (04/02/16) : Former Toronto mayor John Sewell addresses a crowd at the at Windsor Public Library Central branch in Windsor, Ont. on Thursday, Feb. 4,2016. Photo by Aaron Sanders.

(WINDSOR, Ont. (04/02/16) : Former Toronto mayor John Sewell addresses a crowd at the at Windsor Public Library Central branch in Windsor, Ont. on Thursday, Feb. 4,2016. Photo by Aaron Sanders.


Aaron Sanders
By Aaron Sanders February 5, 2016 12:11

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