Islam Awareness Week

Amos Johnson
By Amos Johnson March 16, 2018 00:53


MARCH 6, 2018


The Muslim Students Association (MSA) is a club at the University of Windsor and also a member of the Windsor Islamic Council; providing assistance to many Muslim communities across Windsor.

The MSA is hosting their annual Islam Awareness Week from March 5 – 8 at the University of Windsor. As well as some good conversation and interactive displays at the student centre, the remainder of the week will contain social and educational events at Uwindsor.

March 6 will consist of spoken word poetry followed by awareness on mental health at 6 p.m. in room 1121 at the Neal Education Building.

March 7 will contain Jeoprady night, bringing people together to test their knowledge on trivia at 6 p.m. in room 1118 at Erie Hall.

March 8 will have an educational lecture exploring myths and false opinions about the Quran, hosted by Imam Hosam Helal from Hamilton at 6 p.m. in room 133 at Chrysler North Hall. Quaran is known as the central religious text of Islam; theorizing the revelation from God or Allah.

Amos Johnson
By Amos Johnson March 16, 2018 00:53

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