Islam-related graffiti is back in Windsor

Sreedha Varanasi
By Sreedha Varanasi December 17, 2017 15:32

Islam-related graffiti has resurfaced around Windsor.

 Local media outlets have been affected, with the Windsor Star, CBC and CTV offices being vandalized.
Bus shelters along Ouellette Avenue have also been defaced with offensive language. The graffiti was done with red block letters.
One of the messages left at the Windsor Star’s offices read,”#Islam execute drug dealers Rev 22. 14, 15.”
The Windsor Islamic Council has released an official statement, calling for “Windsorites to be vigilant so not to fall into the traps of this hate mongering plot.”
The most recent onslaught of graffiti incidents are believed to have taken place early Wednesday morning.
UPDATE: Windsor police arrested a 52-year-old man in connection with the incidents. They have since released him, saying they don’t believe he’s responsible. Now a 49-year-old man is facing numerous mischief charges relating to property damage.
Sreedha Varanasi
By Sreedha Varanasi December 17, 2017 15:32

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