Libraries around Windsor will be open on Fridays starting in May 2019

Travis Conant
By Travis Conant April 12, 2019 11:26

Windsor Public Library Bridgeview (Photo by Travis Conant)

By Travis Conant

A 2018 proposal by the Windsor Public Library has been approved.

In June of 2018 Windsor Public Library made a proposal for all of their branches to remain open on Fridays in winter and summer.

Larger libraries such as Central Library on Ouellette, Budimir and Riverside are open on Fridays all year round. While smaller ones are open on Fridays only in the winter.

Kitty Pope, the CEO of the Central Library on Ouellette says smaller libraries. Such as Walkerville, East Windsor, Sandwich Town and the Seminole library close on Fridays because of finances.

“The board put together a proposal that cost $98,000 to have all of those locations open on Friday year round, said Pope. “So they will be open hopefully in the middle of May from nine in the morning to five in the evening on Fridays.”

Pope also said this will affect the library on Ouellette in a big way. She said Fridays tend to be the busiest days at her branch and people load up on recreational reading for the weekend.

According to Pope, on Fridays approximately 620 people visit the large libraries a day and around 300 people visit the small ones. Pope said they typically impact around 1,200 people every Friday.

“Windsor is a learning and reading community so this just continues to provide people with access, you can’t continue to learn and read and discover if you don’t have access to the public library to be able to do that,” said Pope. “So this will add to that whole piece.”

This will make it more beneficial for the population of Windsor and will allow for easier access to resources all year around.

Travis Conant
By Travis Conant April 12, 2019 11:26

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