Local church celebrates Easter
By Rabiul Biplob
As Christians throughout the world celebrated Easter, Windsor’s New Song Church also had a service on March 27.
About 100 people gathered to listen to music, recite verses from the Bible and pray.
Rielly McLaren, the church’s community chaplain, led the event.
“Through resurrection, people’s lives change. They are healed inside, they are able to love again and they are able to receive love again,” said McLaren. “Throughout the story, the larger story that leads up to Jesus is this narrative where God is remaking the world because God just loves it so deeply, loves creation and loves us.”
McLaren said the resurrection of Jesus is the crown jewel or the pinnacle of the story.
“Easter is more than a belief, it is an event that changes our understanding of the universe,” said Kevin Rogers, the pastor of the church. “The resurrection of Jesus cuts through all the hopelessness and all the darkness and says that this is not the end.”
Rogers said the death of Jesus was the final act of God so he will no longer have the barrier between us.
“When fall entered meaning then death entered the world there is primarily four ways the world was broken. There was a broken relation with God, broken relation with creation, broken relationship with one another and finally broken relationship with ourselves,” said McLaren. “That’s why resurrection is not an idea, it’s something acted out in healing relationship.”
Rogers said as people celebrate Easter in spring there is a natural reminder even though death comes new life.