Local musician looking to make career of it

Millar Hill
By Millar Hill September 27, 2017 11:19
Teodora Taleski sings one of her songs at the Olde Walkerville Theatre in Windsor, Ontario for her EP release on Sept. 22, 2017. The EP “In the Beginning” features six original songs by Taleski. (MILLAR HILL/ CONVERGED CITIZEN)

Teodora Taleski sings one of her songs at the Olde Walkerville Theatre in Windsor, Ontario for her EP release on Sept. 22, 2017. The EP “In the Beginning” features six original songs by Taleski. (MILLAR HILL/ CONVERGED CITIZEN)

By Millar Hill

A local musician is giving music a shot in hopes of making a career of it.


Teodora Taleski, 14 years old, has been singing ever since she can remember. At the age of four, she began playing the piano and developed a passion for music. But it wasn’t until recently, that she started writing and recording her own music.


“I would sing and I would love singing. People would tell me I was a really good singer,” Taleski said. “I started taking singing lessons and from then I realized I really love music and have a passion for it.”


As an adolescent going through puberty, Taleski has had to struggle with vocal changes quite often.


“When I was small, I had a childish voice. I first started recording covers for YouTube and sometimes I’d have to cut it early and come back the next week to continue recording. Whenever I would do that, there would be a difference in my voice tone because I was so young,” she said. “Now that I’ve grown out of that a bit, I think my voice is getting stronger and everything is developing pretty good.”

Taleski spends roughly two hours singing or writing music each day. She said having a lot of homework during the week interferes with the time she spends working on music, but gets the most out of her time. Her father, Mende Taleski, said he sometimes worries that school and singing may interfere with one another.


“It takes a lot of her time but she loves to do it,” he said. “She kind of tries to balance both and so far she has kept a good balance.”


Taleski has been working on her EP, a collection of music used to promote an artist’s work, for the past year. She released her first collection of songs to the public late last week and performed Friday at the Olde Walkerville Theatre in Windsor, Ontario.


Pop stars such as Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber inspire Taleski to create music. She said she could relate to their music being a teenager. She wanted her music to be similar and took a pop approach for this EP.


“Most of the pop stars write love songs, but I didn’t want to make songs about boyfriends and girlfriends,” she said. “I want to make it more general, so it could be love towards your parents, pets, siblings or anybody really.”


Taleski is going to continue writing and producing music and is excited for whatever comes next.


“I am going to strive. I have a lot of passion and I’m going to give it my best,” she said.



Millar Hill
By Millar Hill September 27, 2017 11:19

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