Local toy drive

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex November 6, 2012 16:05

by Jay Verspeelt

Local firefighters came to city council Nov. 5 with their mascot Sparky the Fire dog to talk about their yearly toy drive.

Firefighter John McCrain came to talk about how the yearly toy drive is important to Windsorites. He also accepted toys from council members.

Last year Sparky’s Toy Drive helped over 3,000 children, an approximate 1200 families in Windsor.

Mayor Eddie Francis congratulated the fire department on the yearly service which helps needy children.

Those who want to make donations are encouraged to go to www.windsorfirefighters.org to get contact info and instructions on how to donate.

The deadline is Nov. 16 and those who donate are encouraged to also add a smoke alarm to their submissions.

Click here to see a gallery from the event

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex November 6, 2012 16:05

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