Marvel vs. DC, a battle among internet ‘trolls’

Cody Rusan
By Cody Rusan October 21, 2016 14:33
Robin Cross, employee of Rogues Gallery Comics and voice on Bat Force Radio catches up on his homework. (Picture by Cody Rusan)

Robin Cross, employee of Rogues Gallery Comics and voice on Bat Force Radio, catches up on his homework. (Photo by Cody Rusan)

Comic heroes of Marvel and DC are taking over pop culture.

The recent DC and Marvel box office hits are leading the pact as fans and critics everywhere continue a never-ending battle amongst a select group of fans.
The comic community has had a big year with releases such as Deadpool, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Captain America: Civil War and Suicide Squad, raking in a total revenue of over $1.4 billion this year.

A small group of fans who follow DC or Marvel have no in-between and feel the need to tear the other side apart. Even the critics of Rotten Tomatoes seem to take swings at a certain side.

Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes have been tearing into the DC movies that have come out recently.

“I hear the conspiracy theories that DC gets all of these bad reviews because Disney owns Marvel and Disney owns so many of the media outlets,” said Robin Cross, employee of Rogues Gallery Comics and a voice on the Bat Force radio podcast.

However, Cross said no critic will kill his desire to watch and support the comic movies.

“Everyone has an opinion now and the internet makes it so easy to get it out there,” said Cross.

Different opinions are heard throughout the comic universe. Adam Redmile, an employee of strategy game shop CG Realm suggests DC “[should] try to get a broader audience than just the comic fans.” Fan reviews have been positive for the most part while the general audience finds itself lost in many of the sudden twists and turns DC films have provided this year.

Redmile said Marvel presents a humour that feels natural whereas DC presents a humour that feels forced.

Although people are harsh on DC, they forget something very key: Marvel has an eight year head start in the cinematic universe over its comic publishing nemesis DC. With this in mind, some mistakes will be made along the way as it is part of becoming a successful franchise.

“People need to chill out,” said Cross. “There’s something out there for everybody. Let people enjoy things.”

Cody Rusan
By Cody Rusan October 21, 2016 14:33

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