Mayor Dilkens wants to reduce debt with new budget

Sreedha Varanasi
By Sreedha Varanasi December 17, 2017 15:34

Mayor Dilkens wants to reduce debt with new budget

Mayor Drew Dilkens is attempting to reduce the city’s debt. Photo courtesy of City of Windsor.

Mayor Drew Dilkens is looking to reduce Windsor’s debt by $27 million by 2021.

The 2018 operating and capital budget has been released, and it proposes a 2.6 per cent increase in property tax to help pay off the city’s debt, which currently stands at $81 million.

The City of Windsor’s preliminary budget is now available online.

City council is looking for input from Windsorites in January, when the budget will be reviewed. Mayor Drew Dilkens said he is confident the new budget will be effective.

“I’m…confident it will be a budget that continues to balance the amount we spend on services with our debt reduction targets,” said Dilkens.

The preliminary documents show increased spending for agencies, boards and commissions.

Hard copies of the budget can be found at City Hall Square West and at Windsor Public Libraries throughout the city.

The public budget review meetings are schedules for Jan. 15 and 16 at 1 p.m..

Sreedha Varanasi
By Sreedha Varanasi December 17, 2017 15:34

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