OFSAA Wrestling Championship Weigh-ins
By Dawn Gray and David Dyck
Crowds of high-school wrestlers gathered at Tecumseh Vista Academy on Monday for their weight class weigh-ins.
In a packed auditorium jammed with hundreds of competitors, parents and coaches, both male and female wrestlers were separated by weight class, with boys ranging from 30 to 130 kgs and girls ranging from 41 to 115 kgs.
Each weight class will have the two top-ranked wrestlers from each district association representing it.
A total of 852 athletes from more than 200 schools across Ontario were weighed in today.
The competition will take place tomorrow and Wednesday beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the WFCU Centre.
Dave Hawkins is the convenor for the event. He said he is interested in using the event to get young people excited about the sport of wresting, after a lack of interest in the sport over previous years.
“This year has gone very smoothly, we have a great group of volunteers from Tecumseh Vista Academy, a great support group from the community,” said Hawkins. “We’re really gearing up for next year, the nationals will held here at the University of Windsor.”
The WFCU will host the event again in 2018.