OHL takes a swing at fighters

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex September 19, 2012 14:17

On the eve of the 2012-13 season, the Ontario Hockey League implemented a rule change aimed at curbing fights.

OHL commissioner David Branch, 63, announced Sept. 19 that players who fight more than 10 times over the course of the season will be subject to supplemental discipline.

Any player who accumulates more than 10 fights will be subject to a two-game suspension for every additional fight. Players who fight more than 15 times will begin costing their team financially, at the rate of a $1,000 fine for each altercation. The only exception to this 10-fight rule will be if the opponent draws an instigator penalty on the play. Preseason fights will not count towards the total, so everyone will start with a clean slate Sept. 20, and after the regular season the total will reset for the playoffs.

Branch said the rule change was designed to make the OHL a safer league and make it more appealing to fans.

“We don’t want parents saying ‘I don’t want my son or daughter going to see this game,'” Branch said during a conference call.

While not an outright ban on fighting, the change should not come as a surprise.

“Our league has clearly stated that we are addressing fighting,” Branch said.



The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex September 19, 2012 14:17

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