OSAP explained

Patel Pranav
By Patel Pranav September 27, 2019 12:57

Many students in Ontario depend on the Ontario Student Assistance Program to fund their education.

The OSAP gives students extra funding towards their expenses, helping them throughout the year financially. This system is beneficial for all students in Ontario.

According to Anthony Pistan, the Financial Aid Officer at St. Clair College, OSAP requires documentation and information pertaining to a student to determine eligibility for OSAP funding.

OSAP requires the recipient’s parents’ tax and income information and a high school transcript. Once the OSAP application is submitted, they process the funding by verifying all documentation and information provided by students. OSAP then confirms the student’s enrollment with their educational institution and then provide funding for students, according to Pistan. 

“OSAP is run by the Federal government with the assistance of the provincial government, the National Student Loan Centre and Ontario Colleges,” said Pistan.

According to Pistan, OSAP at St. Clair college received 5,700 applicants the Fall 2019 semester.

Students have six months after graduating or leaving full-time studies before they must make payments. 

Jade Boodoo, 21, is a student enrolled in travel and tourism at St. Clair College. She said OSAP helps to cover her expenses whilst studying. 

OSAP helps students and their families as some families do not have enough money to pay their children’s school fees so OSAP is the best way to fulfill their dream.

The average canadian university graduate finishes school with more than $26,000 in student debt, according to Statistics Canada.





Patel Pranav
By Patel Pranav September 27, 2019 12:57

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