Possible smoking ban

Sean Frame
By Sean Frame January 25, 2016 12:27


Last Monday Ward 9 Councillor Hilary Payne announced that the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is putting together a motion to ban smoking in public parks.

City administration is now reviewing ideas for recommendations regarding a new smoking by-law. This could include bans at more than just park. Currently the Smoke-Free Ontario Act bans smoking at enclosed workplaces or within 20 meters of playgrounds and sports fields.

“Between 17 and 20 per cent of people smoke now,” said Payne. “So I think in fairness to the other eighty plus percentage of people who do not smoke. I think this ban should be in place.”

Payne said the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is preparing to bring this issue before Council soon.

Files from Kenneth Bullock.

Sean Frame
By Sean Frame January 25, 2016 12:27

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