Post office closure: what’s the big deal?

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex April 5, 2013 15:09

Post office closure: what’s the big deal?

Chris Richards

By Chris Richards

Well it finally happened. Despite the best efforts of residents and politicians, the Olde Sandwich Towne post office is set to close once and for all.
It didn’t go down without a fight though. Rallies were held, a petition was signed and residents bombarded the Canada Post website when it opened the floor to public input about what exactly everyone thought about closing the outlet. But after covering the first rally held right outside the post office’s doorstep, it was difficult to articulate just what everyone was there to protest.

There were signs and chants about job loss and union workers waving flags and holding banners. Some spoke to the age of the post office building itself and the historical value of the iconic piece of Sandwich Town history. Others were infuriated their closest Canada Post outlet was to close and cease to exist. While those are all valid concerns, it seemed most people in attendance thought that should the decision be made to close the branch, a giant black hole would suddenly open to swallow up the entire operation – Canada Post, the historic building, employees and all.

The reality of it all is that not a single job is going to be lost from the April 26 closure of the old post office. The two employees stationed at the branch have been transferred to other locations. While no one likes to relocate, maintaining the employment status quo and not firing anyone can’t really be held against the Canadian Crown.

When it comes to a loss of service from the removal of a local Canada Post outlet, the truth is there are many remaining locations not too far from Sandwich branch which are accessible by both foot and public transportation. Our modern lifestyles may scream at the thought of having to spend time walking somewhere, but I still recall the old stories about walking uphill both ways barefoot in the snow to get to school and back. Of course Huron Church Road is a busy throughway, but the notion being offered by some that it’s a nearly impossible street to cross on foot is absurd.

As for those residents who fear the building will be lost, left to sit in decay or be demolished – take a breath. By law, the building cannot be torn down without city approval and Sandwich Street has been steadily on the rebound for the last decade. Businesses have been cropping up and aside from the Fantastic Sams that closed so abruptly last year, there is not a single vacant building in the block.

“They should just make it into a pub,” my mom said as we drove by yesterday. At first I thought it was her cynicism towards Windsor’s bar culture, but in total sincerity she made a valid point.

They seem to do well down here,” she said. “Think about it: ‘I just got out of class. Want to meet at the Post Office,’ or, ‘What are you doing tonight? Want to head over to the Post Office?’” Indeed Sandwich Street is dominated to an extent by the pub scene. But another bar on the block with such a rich history and a unique look would surely have a fighting chance of survival.

When you get to the bottom line, even with the post office closing and Canada Post having gone, the building won’t stay vacant for long. It’s not the derelict fire hall or an asbestos-filled hospital that nobody wants to touch, but a maintained and sturdy piece of century-old architecture in the middle of town. With the arrival of HMCS Hunter in the neighbourhood and the jobs that will come along with it, area businesses will be given an economic shot in the arm and prospective business owners will have an even greater reason to set up shop.

It’s a time of chance in Windsor and Sandwich Town is no exception. While there may be some growing pains, it will surely be for the better. The Sandwich Town post office had a good run, but unless Ambassador Bridge owner Matty Moroun scoops it up for some reason when it hits the market (knock on wood) it has more good to give to the community just yet.

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex April 5, 2013 15:09

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