Street Help founder reflects on the business

Merricka Bowyer
By Merricka Bowyer November 13, 2015 16:54

Street Help founder reflects on the business

The early childhood of a local business owner is the reason people can get out of the cold enjoy a hot meal and a warm smile.

Christine Wilson, the owner of Street Help provides people with a place to keep warm, get toiletries and enjoy a small meal. The centre has grown to provide people with breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as internet and even an open ear to help out.

Wilson and her team of over 20 workers work to ensure safety, privacy, food, laundry and so much more. At age 59, after running the business for 16 years Wilson still has higher hopes for Street Help and continues to strive towards meeting those goals.

With a new bigger space they have a new furnace and are able to provide more people with the help and things they need.

 “In the near future I hope to own the apartments above Street Help and provide rooming in exchange for volunteer work and free meals as long as 40 hours a week is devoted to Street Help,” said Wilson.

While working to build the place most call home she continues to smile and remind people what it means to give back and constantly throws events and charities to keep Street Help stocked all year round.

Wilson, once a homeless teen, understands the struggles of being on the street. She said her past was not one that no teen should have to experience yet she made her way to helping.

“I went to a Christian church and the pastor came to me and said I have a message for you, whatever you’re going through, you’re going through to help the same people who will be going through what you are.” said Wilson.

Providing hope and food is the major goal of the centre and to help people get back to being a functional part of society again. Wilson believes that with Christmas coming up the food stock room will be full once again, as well as gift baskets donated by Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

“Everyone works hard to keep everything going between the dishes, the preparing and serving of meals, preparing bags for people who come in and need day to day things.” said Wilson.

With the dozens of people a day that use the centre’s services and even more people who bring in donations of lip and skin care, food, tooth brushes and other hygiene items, team work is crucial to keep Street Help running.

Years ago a book was donated to Street Help and although the book was never read by the owner she remembers finding a piece of paper that now hangs in her office: “You laugh because I’m different, I laugh because you’re all the same.”

A painting made by a Street Help client with a Martin Luther King Jr quote, hangs on the wall of the centre

Photo by Meeka Bowyer A painting made by a Street Help client with a Martin Luther King Jr quote, hangs on the wall of the centre.

Merricka Bowyer
By Merricka Bowyer November 13, 2015 16:54

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