Super over superheros

Kurlis Mati
By Kurlis Mati December 1, 2017 12:46

Super over superheros

Robin Cross poses by a stack of comics at Rogues Gallery Comics.( Photo by: Kurlis Mati)


Many actors, directors, critics and people in general believe the superhero genre is being over-saturated.    


Some of the highest grossing films of all time are superhero movies. Movies such as The Avengers had a budget of $225 million and grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide, but with Justice League being considered a “box office failure” many question the fate of the genre.


Although critics and big stars such as Stephen Spielberg and Mark Hamill think the market is overcrowded, Mitchell Macdonald, a comic book movie fan, said he does not think the genre will become any less popular.


“If they’re good I think people will continue to like them,” said Macdonald. “I think superhero movies in general are fairly good. They’re a fun adventure. There’s a lot, but there’s a market for them and a story to tell which requires a lot of movies.”


As of November 2017, two of the films in theatres are based on comic books; Thor Ragnarok and Justice League.


Chad Beharriell, a western films professor at St. Clair College, said the great numbers of superhero films is comparable to the overuse of westerns in the 1950s.


“I do believe people could get bored of a genre if nothing new is being done,”said Beharriell. “If you were to go to the theatres in the 50s at least two of the films would be westerns, but by the 1960s people got burnt out on the kind of westerns being made.”


Along with theatrical films, there are also many television shows and animated superhero films based on these beloved characters.


Robin Cross, an employee at Rogues Gallery Comics, said although there are many  films in the genre, there is always something for every type of person.


“Between movies and television there is definitely an over-saturation of live action comic book adaptations, But there’s something for everybody,” said Cross. “ There is light hearted movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy and the new Thor movie which is very comedy-based but then you have the Netflix series such as The Punisher which was super dark and depressing.”


As of 2017, Marvel and DC are both planning multiple superhero films until 2020. Less recognized superheroes such as Black Panther and Aquaman will get their time in the spotlight in 2018.


Kurlis Mati
By Kurlis Mati December 1, 2017 12:46

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