Many not receiving annual flu shot

Amos Johnson
By Amos Johnson April 21, 2017 11:19
Diane Weaver blows her nose at the ABC Day Nursery on Thursday, April 20, 2017.

Diane Weaver blows her nose at the ABC Day Nursery on Thursday, April 20, 2017 (Photo By Meaghan Secord).

By Amos Johnson

Scientists develop changes to the influenza vaccine each flu season, making it necessary to receive a flu shot every year.

An unscientific study has determined 81 per cent of people have gotten a flu shot at least once in their lives, while only 11.5 per cent receive their flu shot yearly.

Adam Cupryniak is a barista at Starbucks who says he thinks there is no need for the flu shot.

“I don’t see the point as I’ve never gotten the flu. This is the first year I got the flu shot ever, only because I am going to China and I need it,” said Cupryniak.

Scientists recommend avoiding the influenza shot if you are allergic to eggs, neomycin, thimerosal, latex or any other vaccines.

The health promotion nurse at the University of Windsor said they encourage people to get the flu shot.

“We certainly do encourage people, especially if they’re asthmatic, if anyone is over 65 or if anyone has any kind of medical condition, that puts them at higher risk,” said Judi Wilson.

Diane Weaver teaches at ABC Day Nursery and does not like needles.

“I work in a field where I should be getting them. It’s the whole shot idea, I think if it was in pill form I would take them,” said Weaver.

An alternate method of getting the vaccine is through nasal spray, which many believe to be as effective as the shot.

Flu shots can be given at any pharmacy when a valid Ontario health card is provided.

Amos Johnson
By Amos Johnson April 21, 2017 11:19

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