WETech report pushes for diversified tech in Windsor

Erich Schnekenburger
By Erich Schnekenburger February 28, 2020 14:39


Photo courtesy of WETech Alliance.

The WETech Alliance Tech Connect report could be a sign of Windsor’s diversified future. The 30 page report was released Feb. 27 exploring the tech sector in the city. This comes the same day of the FCA Windsor Assembly Plant’s third shift closing.

Yvonne Pilon, president of WETech said this is an exploration that is vital to Windsor.

“We’ve heard from several employers in the tech and tech-related industries who are in search of skilled and ready talent,” said Pilon. “The Tech Connect initiative was created to find the talent and employer gaps and identify how our region might close them.” 

WEtech hired Victoria Abboud, a researcher for the University of Windsor, as the company’s tech talent strategist in July 2019. Since Abboud has taken the position, she has helped create a pulse check survey and conducted labor market tech sector research within the city.

Of course, this research is only skimming the surface of what’s possible,” said Abboud. “By identifying some of the key perceptions and opportunities for our region, I’m hopeful that we can push each other forward, encourage broader scale dialogue, and generate some robust and clear action steps that will engage the tech sector as a whole.

The report looks to help tech leaders in the city improve the tech talent pipeline. Doug Sartori, principal consultant of Parallel 42 Systems said quality candidates can become quality workers so it is important to hire for potential. 

Further information on WeTech and their upcoming events can be found at wetech-alliance.com.

Erich Schnekenburger
By Erich Schnekenburger February 28, 2020 14:39

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