Windsor Cadet returns from trip of a lifetime

Johnathan Hutton
By Johnathan Hutton October 2, 2015 12:08
Windsor Sea Cadet, Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Tara McKeown (right) conducts marching drills at HMCS Hunter in Windsor Ontario on Sept, 30 2015. (Photo by Johnathan Hutton)

Windsor Sea Cadet, Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Tara McKeown (right) conducts marching drills at HMCS Hunter in Windsor Ontario on Sept, 30 2015. (Photo by Johnathan Hutton)

Oct. 2, 2015

By Johnathan Hutton


A Windsor Sea Cadet has returned from Great Britain after being only one of 12 Sea Cadets chosen to represent Canada on a training exercise with the British Royal Navy.

Petty Officer Second Class Tara McKeown spent two weeks training with British Sea Cadets on the tall ship Royalist and the training ship Jerwood as part of an exchange program. McKeown has been a member of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Agamemnon  for five years, which is based out of HMCS Hunter. She said Cadets has been a huge part of her life and is thankful for the opportunity to participate in the exchange.

“I was very honored to be chosen to go to Great Britain. I made a lot of friends and memories that will last a lifetime,” said McKeown.

During her two week exchange McKeown took part in surface ship training exercises that are designed to help Cadets improve their skills while at sea. Only three Ontario cadets were selected for the exchange. McKeown was chosen based on how she demonstrated her leadership ability, exceptional dedication to the Sea Cadet program and her results at both unit and summer training.

“We are very proud of Tara. Since she joined the Sea Cadets she quickly demonstrated her impressive abilities to rise quickly in rank,” said Pamela McBride, Windsor Branch Public Relations Chairperson for the Navy League of Canada.

McBride was also in the Sea Cadets before serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force for 35 years. She said Cadets was a wonderful opportunity for her to learn and grow as a person and the Cadets Corps is something she recommends all young people at least try in their lifetime.

” You learn responsibility at a young age,” said McBride. ” You become part of a family and learn skills such as teamwork, communication and problem solving.”

Lieutenant Andrew Byrne of the Canadian Navy is the current Commanding Officer of Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Agamemnon. He said the Cadet Corps is a safe, fun and a great way to promote citizenship in the Country.

” There are a lot of opportunities provided to the Cadets free of charge. They get to do things like go on trips and learn about sailing, participate in competitions and go on exchange programs to other countries like Great Britain and Australia,” said Byrne.

Byrne said the Department of National Defense has been great in providing the Corps with pretty much everything it needs.

” The Department of National Defense has been very supportive to our Corps,” said Byrne. “They have provided us with training vessels for the Cadets, uniforms, instruments and everything that Cadets require to succeed in their training.”

He said that the purpose of the cadet organization is to develop good citizenship and leadership in youths, promote physical fitness, and stimulate an interest in the activities of the Canadian Forces.



(Photo Cutline) Windsor Sea Cadet, Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Tara McKeown (right) conducts marching drills at HMCS Hunter in Windsor Ontario on Sept, 30 2015. (Photo by Johnathan Hutton)  

Johnathan Hutton
By Johnathan Hutton October 2, 2015 12:08

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