Windsor lacks funds for mental health services 

Alexa Fraser
By Alexa Fraser February 26, 2021 12:05

The funding for mental health services is not enoughto meet needs in Windsor, social workers say.   

Windsor does not have enough resources for thenumberof mentally ill people needing help.Windsor Regional Hospital has 30 acute beds for psychiatric patients and runs at over 100 per cent capacity,according to somenurses. 

Working in Detroit they have a ridiculous amount of community resources,” said Janice Ransom. “Windsor falls far behind in community resources.”  

Ransomhas been in mental healthfield for 20 years.She used to work at Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospitalin Windsoras a mental health counselor. She now works at Development Centers in Detroit. 

For childrentheresvery few resources and it takes months to get in a lot of cases, said Ransom. “To see a psychiatrist it isextremely difficult,sixmonths or longerwait.”  

The Ministry of Health and Longterm Care ServicesinOntario has a budget of $63.5 billion dollars, andbudgets$174 million for mental health and addiction services, mental health and justice services, supportive housing and acute mental health impatient beds from 2019 to 2020.  

Sabrina Orlando, 24, is in the process of getting help for her mental illness. Shehas been on the wait list for months. Orlando can only use specific resources that her workplace, Lush, covers.   

The hospitals mental health resources are severely underfunded,” said Orlando. “There is no follow up, and the wait lists to get a social workerorcounsellor is extremely long.”  

Peoplewhoare mentally ill are being put on wait lists that are up to six months long according to Ransom.  

For more information on The Ministry of Health and Longterm Care Services visit  



Alexa Fraser
By Alexa Fraser February 26, 2021 12:05

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