Windsor looking to Leader’s Debate for answers, ideas
As the federal election approaches, MediaPlex News took to the streets to find out what the people of Windsor expect out of Monday’s Leader’s Debate.
“It’s going to be different from what it has in the past. I think it is going to be something to watch the debate tonight. It’s going to be good.”
William Chamney, retired
“I just want to hear what they expect from the economy for a couple of years, what their plans are, the trade agreement and things of that nature, so I am pretty interested. I’ll have the popcorn ready.”
Sam, advertising executive
“I will just cast [my] vote. I’ll just have to look into who I am voting for and what they are representing or not.”
Student, St. Clair College
The election’s last English-language debate is set to air on all major networks at 7 p.m., Oct. 10.