Windsor named fifth best city for families

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex March 22, 2013 12:57

Windsor named fifth best city for families

Angelo Marignani, vice-chair of the board of directors of the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association, discusses Windsor being ranked as the fifth best Canadian city to raise a family in by Reader’s Digest Canada March 7. (Photo by Adam D’Andrea.)

By: Adam D’Andrea

According to a recent study, Windsor may be shedding its reputation as “Sin City”.

Reader’s Digest Canada has named Windsor the fifth best Canadian city in which to raise a family. The Digest listed the low cost of food, high number of mom social groups and a low infant mortality rate as the reasons why Windsor is so family-friendly.

Angelo Marignani, vice-chair on the board of directors of the Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association, said it is no surprise to him that Windsor received this recognition.

“There are a lot of things for families to do in this area. Especially with Essex County, Colasanti’s, taking them out to the parks,” said Marignani. “The new headline is that this is a great place. There are families being raised here. I chose to raise my family here.”

Although Marignani said Windsor is a great place to raise a family, he also said there are areas in need of improvement for people of all ages.

“Areas that we can improve upon would be maybe our public transportation. Make it more accessible to our seniors because it’s not just families,” said Marignani. “I think the survey was probably for young kids. What about our parents and our aging community? How can we help them?”

Marignani said those who still remain skeptical about whether or not Windsor is a good place to raise a family should try travelling elsewhere to see how lucky they are to live here.

Filling out the top four spots on the list of family-friendly Canadian cities were Calgary, Guelph, Ont., Ottawa and Sherbrook, Que.

The MediaPlex
By The MediaPlex March 22, 2013 12:57

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