Windsor residents unnerved by spate of recent shootings

Mirjana Janekovic
By Mirjana Janekovic October 18, 2018 14:46
Windsor Police Services on the scene of a shooting at Ouellette Avenue and Maiden Lane on Friday, Oct. 5, 2018. Photo by Glen Fu

Windsor Police Services on the scene of a shooting at Ouellette Avenue and Maiden Lane on Friday, Oct. 5, 2018. (Photo by Gouliang Fu)

By Mirjana Janekovic

A string of recent shootings and nine murders in less than ten months has Windsor residents unnerved and looking for answers.

“I am disappointed with the city and the lack of action,” said Brian Yeomans. “They need to be taking action and the fact that they only have…they said they have all these extra patrols, they are not.”

The latest shooting occurred Oct. 5 at Ouellette Avenue and Maiden Lane. The victim survived but that wasn’t the case in a shooting at the end of August, when Jason Pantlitz-Solomon, 20, was fatally shot at University Avenue and Ouellette Avenue.

ason Pantlitz-Solomon, 20, died in shooting at University Avenue and Ouellette Avenue on August 27, 2018. (Photo courtesy Selina McCallum for The Lance)

Jason Pantlitz-Solomon, 20, died in shooting at University Avenue and Ouellette Avenue on August 27, 2018. (Photo courtesy Selina McCallum for The Lance)

Police continue to investigate both shootings.

Windsor residents say they are tired of seeing yellow police tape surrounding crime scenes and believe police must do more to curb drug crime and gun-related violence.

“I am quite sure that police in Windsor are doing the best they can and I am hopeful if most Windsor residents keeps their eyes open that maybe something could be done,” said John Baelin. “A community working together maybe can stop crime that is going on in downtown Windsor.”

Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens has announced the city is hiring 12 additional police officers to address the problem.

Also, Windsor is in the midst of a municipal election and several candidates are pitching solutions to this issue.

Mirjana Janekovic
By Mirjana Janekovic October 18, 2018 14:46

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