Windsor writes for 30 days

Ashley Ann Mentley
By Ashley Ann Mentley November 7, 2014 13:38
Cecilia Miller, 22, works towards her 50,000 word goal at a downtown coffee shop as a part of the National Novel Writing Month. (Photo by Ashley Ann Mentley)

Cecilia Miller, 22, works towards her 50,000 word goal at a downtown coffee shop as a part of the National Novel Writing Month. (Photo by Ashley Ann Mentley)

By Ashley Ann Mentley

Windsorites are aiming for over five million words by the end of November as a part of the National Novel Writing Month.

NaNo WriMo is an international non-profit organization of writers who meet both locally and online during the month of November.  Members are encouraged to reach daily and weekly word count goals that will result in a 50,000 word novel at the end of the 30 day period.

The organization was created in 1999.  Shelley Divinch Haggert, a teacher at St. Clair College, has been a member since 2003 when she completed her first novel.

“The idea was to set up a challenge,” Haggert said.  “It’s really a self-driven or a group-driven challenge…To set aside 30 days and write from start to finish.”

Even before finding NaNo, Haggert was involved in other writing groups as online forums began to grow in popularity.  She said it is easier to find likeminded people online who have the same interests and goals.

“Novelists have always sought out writing groups, writing buddies and writing partners,” Haggert said.

The NaNo website is full of various forums and discussion boards for people to discuss ideas and ask questions, all organized by genres and themes.

Cecilia Miller, 22, is Windsor’s municipal liaison and an avid member of the NaNo community.  She has been writing every November for the past six years and has won twice.

“This is going to be my third win,” Miller said.  “I know it.  I feel it in my bones.”

In order to win NaNo, participants need to reach the 50,000 word count by Nov. 30.

“There’s no limit to how many people can win.  Everyone really is a winner,” Miller said.

As liaison, Miller organizes the local meetings and passes along information and updates from NaNo’s head office in California.  She also answers questions that any of the participants may have and organizes local fundraisers.

She tries to plan for the group to meet twice a week at local coffee shops.  Windsor has around 100 active NaNo members this year and there were 25 at the first meeting.  It’s not a requirement for members to come to the ‘write ins,’ but Miller recommends it.  She said it’s easier when you work with people who are going through the same struggles you are.

“This past year or so I’ve been feeling more involved in my community with things like my church and family,” Miller said. “So having this writing community and being able to do things with people, as well as on your own, I feel really encouraged and I feel part of something amazing.”

The NaNo website recognizes 50,000 words in one month as a “difficult but doable goal.”  Both Haggert and Miller referenced NaNo’s “pantsing” style of writing.

“It’s seat of the pants writing,” Haggert said.  “You just sit down and write and don’t think about what you’re writing.  It’s all about the word count.”

As liason Miller has been in touch with many people in the Windsor area and has even been contacted by fellow NaNo writers in Detroit.  NaNo has communities spread out across the world stretching to places as far as Hawaii, South Africa, Russia and Micronesia.

While Miller said that she enjoys NaNo for its community and social aspects, Haggert said she uses it as a creative outlet.

“We all need to have a part of our lives that allows us to indulge a little bit of our creativity and do something just for fun.  I think this is one of the ways we can do that,” Haggert said.



Cecilia Miller, 22, works towards her 50,000 word goal at a downtown coffee shop as a part of the National Novel Writing Month. (Photo by Ashley Ann Mentley)


Ashley Ann Mentley
By Ashley Ann Mentley November 7, 2014 13:38

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