Windsorites have a Black Friday advantage: Two countries to shop in

Swati Sharma
By Swati Sharma November 28, 2019 14:27

The U.S. Thanksgiving’s Black Friday is widely known as an opportunity for Canadians to get great shopping deals.

It was originally called Black Friday because the volume of shoppers created traffic accidents and that sometimes resulted in violence. The first recorded use of the term “Black Friday” was applied to the United States crash of the gold market on September 24, 1869.

Windsor shopper Harpreet Singh is going across the border to take an advantage of the sales.

“I’m new here and I have to buy stuff for myself. So, I’m really excited to go and get it,” said Singh.

If you don’t have a U.S. visa and you can not go to Detroit, there are also exciting deals in Canada.

Navjot Singh an international student who has been in Canada since last year thinks you can find better deals in Windsor.

“On Black Friday, I’m going to the mall like Windsor Crossing or Devonshire Mall,” said Singh.

Canadians in the Windsor area have a choice of what country to shop in.

Swati Sharma
By Swati Sharma November 28, 2019 14:27

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