Windsor’s first Whisky Festival coming this summer

Ennis Liu
By Ennis Liu March 3, 2018 11:30

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By Ennis Liu

Want to try whisky from all over the world?

WindsorEats recently announced a new whisky festival called Whiskytown Canada.

“We are really focusing on showcasing the whisky history that we have really blossoming here in Windsor,” said Adriano Ciotoli, the owner of WindsorEats.

Ciotoli launched the initiative to showcase Windsor as a destination, and he said the city has something that no one else in North America can really offer.

“So in starting that whisky initiative, we really felt strongly in creating a festival to showcase those flavours,” he said.

The whisky festival is going to be hosted at St. Mary’s Church in Walkerville. It was built by one of Hiram Walker’s sons, so it ties into the history of the region.

“People can expect not just Canadian whisky, but whisky from all over the world — Irish, Japanese, bourbon as well.”

He mentioned they are still looking at all types of whiskys that will be showcased here at the festival.

If you are interested, get tickets online. The tickets are now for sale for the festival Aug. 4. You can also call WindsorEats at 519-982-5212.

Ennis Liu
By Ennis Liu March 3, 2018 11:30

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